Classes at risk

Group exercise classes are one of the most popular forms of exercise.

They enable you to exercise with friends and family, provide a boost in terms of encouragement and help drive you to achieve your results.

With over 100 classes every week, there is a wide range to choose from including both instructor-led and virtual classes as well.

We want all our classes to be full and successful and we continually review the classes we provide to make sure there is a good choice and wide range of classes for our members to take part in.

However, it is inevitable that some classes will be more popular than others due to the nature of the class as well as the day and time the class takes place.

So, we are undertaking a review of all classes which will take into account the day, time and regularity of the class as well as how many people are attending.

Once this review is complete, we will publish a list of classes that are at risk of being cancelled from our schedule.

When a class is ‘at risk’ we will then try and encourage more people to attend these classes through specific marketing and promotion.

If this additional marketing does not improve class attendance then it is likely that a ‘class at risk’ will be removed from our schedule. This will then enable us to concentrate on classes that are in demand, are more likely to attract a higher attendance and that are meeting our members’ needs.

The classes at risk list will be published week commencing 18 November 2024.