Behaviour Management Framework

It is important that children, parents and staff behave in a way that encourages the fun, safe and secure environment we are committed to providing. Every child is different but there are common behaviours that are needed to ensure a positive experience for all and we ask that parents and children read our Code of Conduct prior to booking and attending Sports Splash Holiday Camps.

Our Code of Conduct includes expected and not-acceptable behaviours and our process for managing behaviour that compromises the well-being of children and staff.  Our intention is to always provide positive experiences for every child and we appreciate your support to ensure this takes place.

Expected Behaviours

  • Be helpful
  • Be respectful and polite to others
  • Get involved and participate
  • Kind hands, feet and words
  • Take responsibility for your own actions

Yellow Card Behaviours

  • Being disruptive
  • Damaging equipment or facilities
  • Failing to follow the mobile phone policy
  • Lack of taking responsibility for your actions
  • Negative, hurtful or unkind words and actions
  • Not allowing others to be heard
  • Not keeping your hands and feet to yourself
  • Repeated not listening and following directions

Red Card Behaviours

  • Being over physical with others
  • Racial, homophobic or discriminatory language or actions
  • Repeated incidents of Yellow Card behaviour
  • Repeatedly failing to follow the mobile phone policy
  • Stealing, vandalism or deliberately damaging equipment or facilities
  • Un-safe behaviour like running away, climbing fences or hiding, verbal threats or intent to hurt others


Outcomes of Poor Behaviour

Yellow Card Behaviours

Behaviour Management Stages

Stage 1: Group Coach informs child that behaviour is not acceptable and child is asked not to repeat it

Stage 2: Repeat behaviour – Responsible Officer is informed, incident recorded and parent informed (usually at pick-up time or sooner at responsible officers discretion)

Stage 3: Further poor behaviour – Outcome selected based on severity and frequency of Yellow Card Behaviour

End of Season - Notes are made on child’s profile for future seasons. These form part of the child’s notes to staff for 1 year following the incident. The Team will review a child’s notes from the previous year when considering suitable outcomes.

Outcomes of Yellow Card Behaviour

  • Yellow 1. Agreed behaviour management strategy is implemented by Group Coach and responsible officer. Parent to support staff with ideas.
    Strategies that  staff can use – basic sticker/reward chart, creating a safe space nearby their group, having small toy or resource with them for comfort (no screens), showing an emotion card to their group coach, having a now/next card
  • Yellow 2. Child’s parent informed of behaviour (via incident report form and speaking to them in-person) and told that any further incident will lead to a cooling off period
  • Yellow 3. Child’s parent is called to come and pick them up. A cooling off period is issued and the child may return the following day but any further incident will lead to them not being able to return to camp

When the child returns to camp, both parent and child must understand that further instances of Yellow Card behaviour will result in them not being able to return to camp.

The Team reserves the right to escalate or skip stages where incidents are deemed to have an adverse impact on other children, staff, venue or the safety and experience of others is at risk.

As standard, Incident Report form will be completed by the staff on-site detailing what has happened in order to provide full context for parents. A copy will be given to the parent and the other copy is retained by BDC.

Red Card Behaviours

Behaviour Management Stages

Step 1: Child is informed that behaviour is not acceptable and that parents will be informed. Responsible Officer and Manager informed. Incident reports are completed.

Step 2: The Management Team will agree suitable outcome with Responsible Officer to make recommendation

Step 3: The Management Team to agree outcome and to assist in implementing it e.g. calling parents to inform them

Step 4: The Management Team to review if the child can return in future seasons or not

Outcomes of Red Card Behaviour

  • Red 1. Child is picked up from camp that day and has a 24-hour cooling off period
  • Red 2. Child is not being able to return to camp for the remaining week
  • Red 3. Child is not being able to return to camp for the remaining season
  • Red 4. Child is unable to return to camp indefinitely

Incidents will be recorded using Incident Report to ensure that the Management Team are informed of what is happening to be better placed to advise.

The Team reserves the right to escalate or skip stages where incidents are deemed to have an adverse impact on other children, staff, venue or the safety and experience of others is at risk.

As standard, an Incident Report form will be completed by the staff on-site detailing what has happened in order to provide full context for parents. A copy will be given to the parent and the other copy is retained by BDC.

Possible Strategies for Staff to employ

Create a Safe Place

  • Set up a safe space (Attention Station) where a child can sit when needing the attention of potentially busy staff. This could be particularly useful for children that are non-verbal or have other communication issues.
  • Use cones or a hula hoop to be used exclusively for that child – they can feel ownership of it by choosing the colour and being able to carry it during transitions
  • If they are feeling overwhelmed or need some chill out time, they can use their portable safe space to have that time when they are not to be disturbed by other children or excessively by the coach

Silent Signals/Gestures

  • These can be used without calling attention to individual children and help to build confidence and a good relationship with coaches and leaders. This may be something as straightforward as a thumbs up, OK or a nod or shake of the head and be useful even for those that may be shy or introverted. However children need to be made aware of the signals to be used and ideally should choose the ones they are comfortable with.

Now and Next

  • This is a visual strategy to help children understand and complete activities, keep them on task and help them with transitions. Show a plan for the next hour, the morning or even the whole day, depending on what helps the child most. Keep it updated and explain any changes to the plan
  • Use the now/next board to pre-empt transitions with children and explain that one activity is coming to the end and what they will be going to next

Sticker/Reward Chart/System

  • Get the child to decorate it themselves so that they feel like it is special, individual for them and they are invested in achieving their goals
  • Set 3 individualised targets for the child which positively frames what they need to focus on, for example listening to instructions, follow directions the first time they are given and being kind to other children
  • Use stickers, stamps, stars or smiley faces to reward their positive behaviours and re-direct their attention to meeting their targets

Comfort Toy/Resource

  • A small stuffed animal, a book or factfile, sticker book etc. all make for good distraction or grounding for a child who is feeling overwhelmed. It can offer comfort or a source of familiarity for them until they are ready to re-join the activity with their group

Emotion Cards

  • Small cards with a message on it such as ‘I am feeling overwhelmed’ ‘I am feeling angry’ or ‘I need a break’ that a child can show to their coach if they are struggling to regulate their emotions
  • Encourage the child to engage with their coach and express their emotions rather than displaying disruptive behaviour and praise the child when they use it effectively

Success with implementing these strategies would be in Yellow Card behaviours being drastically reduced, the coach being able to successfully manage this behaviour alongside their group responsibilities and the child participating and enjoying the experience

3G Pitch

3G Pitch

What is it?

Our 3G pitch can accommodate football and is available to hire in one hour slots from £35 by telephoning 01246 242 365.


To book, please complete our online form (opens in a new window) or telephone 01246 242 365.

3G Pitch

Free as part of...

More activities...


What is it?

Do you want to help your child learn to ride on a balance bike? Or is your child stuck on stabilisers and you want to support them to ride independently but don’t know where to start? Don’t despair our qualified Balanceability instructors are on hand to help and support.


Balanceability combines unique ergonomic balance bikes with a schedule of fun activities that build confidence, spatial-awareness and dynamic balance skills. This enables young children to cycle without ever needing stabilisers.


Details of our next course will be advertised once it becomes available.

£30.00 Non-member price.
£30.00 Member price.

Free as part of...

More activities...
Go! Tots

Go! Tots

What is it?

Give your child the power of exercise. Our Go! Tots sessions are aimed at children aged from 0 to five-years. They contribute to their recommended 180-minutes of daily exercise and help improve your child’s coordination, balance and social skills. It also gives them the chance to climb, bounce, jump and play to their hearts content.

They need two types of physical activity each week:

  • aerobic exercise
  • exercises to strengthen their muscles and bones

We all know children love to play, especially with other children. They love to run, jump, dance, and generally use their imagination and have fun and they can do all this whilst getting the exercise they need. The programme includes fun activities where social interaction and parent participation is encouraged. The sessions include:

  • Tuesday – Play Kingdom coffee morning from 9am–12noon (ages 0-5). Let your child run loose and play with our soft building blocks, scramble nets, obstacles, slides and small ball pit! All while you relax with a free cup of tea or coffee!
  • Wednesday – Toddler and Toys from 9am–1pm (ages 0-5). Let your child make a splash in our learner pool as they play with our fun toys and gadgets. Normal swimming admission prices apply.
  • Thursday – Football Fever from 9.15–10am (ages 18-months to 5). Fun football based session with games and parent participation.


  • Improves co-ordination
  • Increases confidence
  • Enables social interaction
  • Strengthens your child’s muscles and bones
  • Improves water confidence



Places for the Tuesday and Wednesday sessions do not need to be pre-booked as you can just turn and play. Places for the Thursday session must be pre-booked and can be done so by telephoning 01246 242 365 or visiting reception. Non members must visit reception to book a place. 

Go! Tots
£3.00 Non-member price.

Free as part of...

Household membership.
More activities...
No Strings/Family Badminton

No Strings/Family Badminton

What is it?

We stage two badminton sessions every Sunday. They take place from 11am-12noon and 12noon-1pm (booking is essential) for ages 11+ years and they cost £4 per person.

  • 11am-12noon - Aimed at individuals or couples this session can either be played as a relaxed social game or have a more competitive edge to it - you decide!
  • 12noon - 1pm - Aimed at families this session gives you the chance to play games with your family or have a bit of friendly competition against other families.



Booking for our Sunday badminton sessions is essential and can be made via our reception at a cost of £4 per person. Please refer to our booking terms and conditions for more information.

No Strings/Family Badminton
£4.00 Non-member price.

Free as part of...

Household membership.
Individual all-inclusive membership.
More activities...
Over 50s Activities

Over 50s Activities

What is it?

We have plenty of activities for our older adults aged 50+ to enjoy.


  • Social Activity Hub - Stay active and healthy whilst socialising and meeting new people. All fitness levels are catered for and you can take part in activities such as badminton, boccia, short tennis, kurling, table tennis and much more. You’ll be enjoying yourself so much, that you won’t even notice you’re actually having a workout. Sessions are every Friday from 10am-12noon.
  • Badminton and Table Tennis Hub - Fast paced fun the weather can never spoil. Equipment is provided for participants who may want to give it a go for the first time and the seasoned pros are more than welcome to bring their own racquet's, paddles, shuttlecocks and table tennis balls. Held every Monday from 11am-2pm, the session runs for three-hours but is not attended by a member of staff.
  • Walking Football - A slow-paced version of the beautiful game. It’s a great way to get fit and stay healthy with all fitness levels and abilities catered for. Sessions will be held on the astro-turf pitch every Tuesday from 11am-12noon and Thursday from 11am-12noon.



The sessions are free to household or single inclusive members and £3 for non-members. Places can be booked up to seven days in advance. Members, please use the mobile app, members portal or telephone 01246 242365.

Over 50s Activities
£3.00 Non-member price.
£3.00 Member price.

Free as part of...

Household membership.
Individual all-inclusive membership.
More activities...


What is it?

Turn your child’s party into an exciting day to remember. There's no fuss and no mess. You, your child and their friends have all the fun whilst we plan it for you.

Inflatable Mayhem - Held in the sports hall with up to three inflatables, allowing your child and their guests to bounce, jump, twist and turn to their hearts content. This party is restricted to 30 participants and is available on Sundays 2-3pm and 3-4pm.

Play Kingdom - Your child and their guests (aged up to 12 years) get exclusive use of our soft play area. This party is restricted to 30 participants and is available on Saturdays 12-1pm, 1-2pm and 2-3pm and Sundays 11-12pm, 12-1pm and 1-2pm

We can also provide food for your party (excluding birthday cake) as an individual party bag containing a sandwich, babybell, frube, raisin bag, mini chocolate bar, bag of pom bear crisps, together with jugs of water, blackcurrant and orange squash at a cost of £4.50 per person. Parties are available to book in one hour slots. A 50% non-refundable deposit will be required to confirm a booking. This needs to be paid at reception. The remaining amount and any party food must be paid for at least seven-days prior to the date of the party.



Please complete our Party Booking enquiry form for a quote and to check availability. We have also provided our party invites for you to download and use if you wish.


Free as part of...

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What is it?

Pickleball is fun, social and friendly! The rules are simple, and the game is easy for beginners to learn, but can develop into a fast-paced, competitive game.

The Basics

  • A fun sport that combines many elements of tennis, badminton and ping-pong
  • Played both indoors or outdoors on a badminton-sized court and a slightly modified tennis net
  • Played with a paddle and a plastic ball with holes
  • Played as doubles or singles
  • Can be enjoyed by all ages and skill levels

The Rules

The ball is served underhand from the right side of the court and is played diagonally across to the other service court. The defending side has to let the ball bounce first before it can be returned and, subsequently, the serving side also has to let the ball bounce. It is only on the third ball that the ball can be returned immediately. Either you can play a volley or you can let the ball bounce first.

Points can only be scored by the serving side. You win a point if the defending side does not manage to return the ball, hits the ball out, does not let the serve ball bounce, volleys in the non-volley zone, or is hit by the ball. The game ends when one of the parties gets 11 points, with a 2-point lead.

When a side scores a point, the same person serves, but from the other side of the court. When a player loses a point, his or her partner serves from the side of the court where he or she is standing at the moment. If this service also fails to score, service goes to the opponent and the opponent begins the service on the right. For the first service, however, the service changes sides after only one serve.

When playing singles, the player serves from the left if he or she has an uneven number of points, and from the right with an even number of points. This is how scoring is kept: 1-0-1 means that the serving side has 1 point, the other side has no points, and this is the first server.

What equipment is needed?

Each player will need a pickleball paddle, which is smaller than a tennis racquet but larger than a ping-pong paddle. Players will also need a net and a pickleball. The ball is unique, with holes through it. Different ball models are intended for indoor and outdoor play. Balls come in several colours, including white, yellow and green, but must be a single color to meet International Federation of Pickleball (IFP) specifications. But don't worry, we will supply all the equipment you need.

What should I wear?

Players should wear anything comfortable and appropriate for the climate: athletic shorts, leggings, tracksuit bottoms, wicking apparel, t-shirts, trainers, etc.


It takes place every week from 10am-12noon indoors in our sports hall. It costs £4 per session but is free to household members and single inclusive members. Booking is essential and can be made at reception. Places are limited to 20.

£4.00 Non-member price.

Free as part of...

Household membership.
Individual all-inclusive membership.
More activities...
Play Kingdom

Play Kingdom

What is it?

Our three-tiered play kingdom will provide hours of fun for your children (aged up to 12) to explore, play and learn.

There are separate play areas for infants and juniors which include games, soft building blocks, scramble nets, obstacles, slides and small ball pit! It is open every day and children must be supervised at all times by a responsible person aged 16 or over. Shoes must be removed before entering the play zone.

Entry is free for children up to one-year-old.


Bookings are not required to take part in this activity. Just visit reception and they will provide you with a card to access this facility. 

Play Kingdom
£3.00 Non-member price.

Free as part of...

Household membership.
More activities...
Sports Hall

Sports Hall

What is it?

Our sports hall can cater for a number of sports including basketball, indoor football, netball, cricket, badminton and pickleball. You can hire either the full hall (£35 per hour) or half a hall (£17.50 per hour) or one court (£9 non-member/£7 member).


Please note that there is a minimum booking time of two-hours for cricket sessions due to the set up and take down of the equipment. Bookings (opens in a new window) must be made in person at reception and full payment is required. Please refer to our booking terms and conditions for more information.

Sports Hall

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Walking Cricket

Walking Cricket

What is it?

A slow-paced version of cricket.

Sessions will be held in the sports hall every Friday from 1-3pm. Book your place, wear comfortable clothing, a pair of trainers and bring a water bottle and have fun!


It’s a great way to get fit and stay healthy with all fitness levels and abilities catered for.


Places can be booked up to seven days in advance. Members, please use the mobile app, members portal or telephone 01246 242 365 and non-members please telephone 01246 242 365.

Walking Cricket
£4.00 Non-member price.
£4.00 Member price.

Free as part of...

Household membership.
Individual all-inclusive membership.
More activities...
Walking Football

Walking Football

What is it?

A slow-paced version of the beautiful game.

Sessions will be held in the sports hall every Tuesday from 11am-12noon and Thursday from 11.30am-12.30pm.


It’s a great way to get fit and stay healthy with all fitness levels and abilities catered for.


Places can be booked up to seven days in advance. Members, please use the mobile app, members portal or telephone 01246 242 365 and non-members please telephone 01246 242 365.  Please refer to our booking terms and conditions for more information.

Walking Football
£3.00 Non-member price.
£3.00 Member price.

Free as part of...

Household membership.
Individual all-inclusive membership.
More activities...
Walking Netball

Walking Netball

What is it?

A slower version of the game which has been designed so that anyone can play it regardless of age or fitness level.

Sessions are organised by the Arc Angels and take place every Thursday from 2-3pm (excluding school holidays).


 Please refer to our booking terms and conditions for more information.

Walking Netball
£3.00 Non-member price.

Free as part of...

Household membership.
Individual all-inclusive membership.
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